Tuesday, June 17, 2008

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Why blue?In college, I majored in color theory. Blue was the most interesting color, historically. Germanic tribes wore it to ward off enemies; Christians used it to denote divinity. Wearing blue for me is being in a dream all day.Do you make your own blue shoes? I go to leather fairs and have the factory make me shoes. I also buy white Chanel and Christian Louboutin shoes, and I color them blue with custom-ordered electric-blue Sharpies.Do you wear blue makeup?I wear YSL No. 3 mascara, Chanel Blue Satin nail polish, and blue Lancôme lip gloss, which looks clear when you put it on. And my bathroom products are blue, like my toothbrush.Does the color reflect your personality? Blue signifies loyalty, and I’m very loyal. It’s hard in this industry, but I’m a humanist.There was a lot of electric blue in recent seasons. It’s getting trendy. When it hits “mass,” it’s a turnoff.What do your friends think?My friend studied photography, and I was part of her thesis. She did a color study and took photos of me.What color is your apartment?My living room is neutral, but just go into my bedroom. I have a blue Nintendo, bedside table, suitcase, pillow, BlackBerry. And I collect blue gemstones. People once believe

d that sapphires had healing properties.How does blue make you feel?Blue is a peaceful color. The U.N. has a blue flag; all the presidential campaigns have blue. It touches every realm of life, from cosmic to future.

Metallic Colours
Metallic gold glamour moves through coppers, bronzes, pewter and silvers in the coming months. Burnished soft metallic colours figure strongly especially on satins, silks, footwear and belts. Leathers and satins shimmer gold, silver, pewter, copper and bronze.
Bronzed, burnished gold and silvered effects are predicted to be big fad and not only for fashion clothing, bags and footwear, but also for interiors too. Glitz with precious metal and bejewelled looks create an opulence not seen for decades

Black is Back
You may already have noted that black has returned, but this is the not the pared down austere black of the 1990s. The best use of black this season is when created in velvet or lace. The new black often has subdued and subtle decoration. This is black with texture and structure.

arbic fashion?
I’ve always wondered why the hell don’t we have our own fashion, our own style…or even styles!
I’m really sick of it. It’s hard enough that I’m veiled and that every piece of cloth is either short or transparent (and I’m so sick of buying transparent long-sleeve shirts only to discover at home, and then having mother telling me that I’m wearing a transparent shirt while I pretend that I don’t know what she’s talking about only because I really paid A LOT for it)But all of this aside, all the modesty and self-respect aside, why on earth can’t we look “Arab” in our own clothes? why are our clothes always imported? and why is it that we pay a whole lot of money for brand manufacturers who obviously don’t give a damn about what we like or what we want? But then again, we continue to buy and therefore they can happily conclude that we are satisfied.
It really gets to me that I can’t find decent yet fashionable clothes to buy. I mean, I’m starting to wear clothes I wouldn’t have even tried 5 years ago! It only gets worse.
Just for the record and now that I’ve talked about this, I have to wear 3 different types of tops at the same time sometimes! and because there’s no such thing as long blouse or shirt these days I found myself wearing some really mini skirts over pants. Who wants to look like a school girl at work?!I look like I’m barely 15 and believe me, this doesn’t help when I try to order someone around or get some guys who are 3 times my size to unload a shipment to an underground store

These are more stars and actors gracefully Arab asymmetry in terms of colors and also use the hair well with fashion.


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احمد فؤاد افكار نقاشات برامج فلسفة افلام said...

thank you very much?
ahmed foad.............

newstudenthack said...

جديد مواضيع الهكر ولتعليم المبتدئين وفتح بورت في الجهاز الي ان تتعلم لختراق تجدونها هنا بأذن الله
تحياتي: SuPeR HaCKeR